Chinese Name
Metaphysics Properties
Hessonite is a highly spiritual stone. it enhances psychic abilities and intuition. It promotes self-respect and removes guilt and self-inferiority from past experiences. Hessonite encourages self-motivation and supports in seeking out new challenges.
Healing Properties
Hessonite regulates the hormonal and lymphatic systems, reducing infertility and impotence. It improves blood circulation and alleviates arthritis and rheumatism. Hessonite helps in the assimilation of vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy body.
Chinese Name
Metaphysics Properties
Herkimer Diamond is a powerful crystal and helps protect against electromagnetic pollution and radioactivity. It helps to clear all the chakras and is a powerful energizer. It enhances psychic abilities, clairvoyance, spiritual vision and telepathy.
Healing Properties
Herkimer Diamond detoxifies the body and protects it against environmental pollutions and radioactivity. It corrects the DNA and cellular disorder and balances our body metabolism. It helps reduce stress and relieves insomnia caused by electromagnetic pollution.
Chinese Name
赤铁矿 / 黑胆石
Metaphysics Properties
Hematite restores peace and harmony to the body by clearing negative energies from the aura. It is a good grounding stone and is an excellent stone for meditation. It enhances your will-power, self-esteem and confidence by removing all negative traits like self-limitation, procrastination and lack of confidence. Hematite also helps you overcome addiction, compulsion and over-indulgence.
Healing Properties
Hematite improves blood circulation and alleviates muscle cramps and stiff joints. It detoxifies the kidneys and aids in the regeneration of healthy tissues. It can also be used to help spinal alignment and treat fractures and bone disorder.
Chinese Name
Metaphysics Properties
Gypsum removes energy blocks from the physical and etheric bodies. It helps with the clarity of mind and expands the awareness of your mind and spirit. It is an excellent stone for meditation and aids in the relaxation of the body.
Healing Properties
Gypsum helps with the assimilation of calcium and strengthens the bones and teeth.
Chinese Name
Metaphysics Properties
Gold Rutilated Quartz is an effective integrator of energy. It aids in astral travelling, scrying and channeling. It filters negative energies around you and protects you against psychic attacks. Gold Rutilated Quartz removes fears, anxiety, self- constrictions and helps facilitate transition and provides solution to current problems. Emotionally, Gold Rutilated Quartz soothes dark moods and acts as an anti-depressant.
Healing Properties
Gold Rutilated Quartz Crystal helps to treat respiratory tract infection, bronchitis and chronic cough. It stimulates and balances the Thyroid function and supports the general well-being of the body. Gold Rutilated Quartz Crystal is a powerful energy booster helps prevent lethargy and fatigue.