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Chinese Name 煤玉 Country USA Metaphysics Properties Jet is a highly protective stone. It wards off ill-wishing and evil eye and is an excellent amulet. Jet can be used to enhance spiritual enlightenment and is often used to enhance psychic abilities. Psychologically, Jet helps to ground you and alleviates depression. It also helps in the decision-making process. Healing Properties Jet treats migraines, epilepsy and colds. It heals stomach pain and is traditionally used for menstrual cramps.

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 Chinese Name 碧玉 Country Brazil Metaphysics Properties Jasper is known as a supreme nurturer that sustains and supports during time of stress and unifies all aspect of life. It is a stone to remind people to help each other. Psychologically, It encourages honesty and is used during conflicts to give courage to someone to face it. Mentally, it aids quick-thinking and promotes organizational abilities and seeing projects through. It enhances imagination and transfers ideas to action. Physically, it prolongs sexual pleasure and supports during prolonged illness or hospitalisation and re-energise the body. Healing Properties Jasper supports circulatory, digestive and sexual organs. It balances the mineral content in the body and is used as gem elixir as it does not...

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 Chinese Name 玉 Country Myanmar Metaphysics Properties Jade is associated with the heart chakra and is known to foster wholesome and steady growth of one’s chi, or life-force energies. It releases negative thoughts, soothes the mind and promotes love and harmony. Jade promotes creativity and stimulates constructive ideas and is commonly known to be a stone of Wisdom. Healing Properties Jade helps remove toxins and balances the fluids in the body. It treats the kidneys and supra-adrenal glands. Jade is also known to assist in fertility and childbirth. Additional InformationThe name Jade is derived from the Spanish ‘piedra de la ijada’ which means ‘stone of the flank’. In a later French translation, the term was misprinted and became ‘pierre...

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Iron Pyrite

 Chinese Name 黄铁矿 Country USA Metaphysics Properties Iron Pyrite is an excellent energy shield. It blocks out negative energy as well as environmental pollutants. Iron Pyrite is a very positive stone. It overcomes inertia, feelings of inadequacy and depression. It also repairs auric holes and increases one’s vitality. It is an excellent stone to overcome lethargy and fatigue. Healing Properties Iron Pyrite helps in the detoxification of the body and improves blood circulation. It boosts oxygen in the bloodstream and aids in cell rejuvenation. Iron Pyrite is beneficial for the lungs, alleviating asthma and bronchitis. It is also helpful to treat insomnia by calming the mind.

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Iron Nickel Meteorite

Chinese Name 天铁 Country United Kingdom Metaphysics Properties Iron Nickel Meteorite is actually a meteorite that crashed through the Earth’s atmosphere. With the powers from the universe, this protective Stone helps the wearer improve his intuition. Used in meditation, it activates the kundalini. It creates a peaceful and calm environment to facilitate concentration on tasks. The meteorite also balances and aligns the active fields of the body. Healing Properties Iron Nickel meteorite is a good stone to treat the anaemia, strengthens the blood and tissues. It motivates the hope and strength for those with long physical ailment and struggles. It encourages the stamina, endurance and strength.

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