Chinese Name
Metaphysics Properties
Calcite is a powerful crystal and can remove any stagnant and negative energy in a room. It also removes blockages and facilitates increased awareness and psychic abilities. It is an excellent stone for meditation and helps to accelerate spiritual awareness. Calcite stimulates insight and has the ability to change ideas into action. It removes procrastination and laziness.
Healing Properties
Calcite helps in the detoxification of the body, thus strengthening the immune system. It helps with the assimilation of calcium and fortifies the bones and skeletal joints. It alleviates intestinal and skin conditions. Calcite also stimulates blood clotting and tissue healing.
Chinese Name
波吉石 / 萨满魔石
Metaphysics Properties
Boji Stones have high and grounding spiritual energy. They enhance deep meditation and is useful during astral body travelling. Boji Stones are highly protective and shield our aura against any negative energies and ill-wishing.
Healing Properties
Boji Stones balances the male-female energy within the body and aligns the chakras and the subtle bodies. They assist in cell rejuvenation and helps to reduce pain caused by stagnant energy. Their high vibration is able to repair and re-energize any auric holes in your aura.
Chinese Name
Metaphysics Properties
Blue Lace Agate, a calming stone, helps release repression, fear, anxiety and the fear of being judged. It stimulates the throat chakra and encourages verbal expression of thoughts. Blue Lace Agate improves concentration and analytical ability, leading to practical solutions. It boosts one’s efficiency and eliminates procrastination.
Healing Properties
Blue Lace Agate stimulates the throat chakra and heals the throat, larynx, thyroid and lymph node infections. It also heals the digestive system as well as gastritis and flatulence. Blue Lace Agate removes blockages in the nervous system and treats arthritis, bone deformity, fractures and skeletal disorder.
Chinese Name
India, Brazil
Metaphysics Properties
Bloodstone is an excellent grounding and protective stone. It protects against negative energies and ill-wishing. Bloodstone calms the mind, dispels confusion and enhances the decision-making process. It helps in grounding the heart energy and heightens your intuition and creativity.
Healing Properties
Bloodstone cleanses the blood and detoxifies the liver, kidneys and bladder. It stimulates the lymphatic function and increases your metabolic rate. It also improves blood circulation and benefits the major organs. Additionally, Bloodstone is also believed to shrink tumors and is helpful in the treatment of leukemia and blood disorders.
Chinese Name
Metaphysics Properties
Black Tourmaline is an excellent stone for protection against negative energies. It cleanses, purifies and disperses negative energy and protects against psychic attacks and ill-wishes. When placed between yourself and an electromagnetic source, it helps to shield against the electromagnetic radiation. It is also a powerful mental healer and transmutes negative thoughts to positive ones.
Healing Properties
Black Tourmaline disperses tension and reduces stress. It helps to improve physical vitality and aids in pain relief. Black Tourmaline protects against debilitating diseases and strengthens the immune system.